The Bikeability Trust manages the distribution of Bikeability funding for the government. Our grant programme administers funding across England, excluding Greater London. We primarily distribute funding to local highway authorities (LHAs).
Grant recipients can run Bikeability training, or they can appoint a training provider. A training provider will manage cycle instructors on behalf of a grant recipient. Everyone must register with The Bikeability Trust to deliver Bikeability cycle training.
During the most recent financial year (2023–2024), 505,657 children received Bikeability cycle training. Our full funding and delivery statistics are below.

In Greater London, Transport for London distribute funding for the government, with The Bikeability Trust monitoring booking and delivery rates in the London boroughs. Their delivery statistics are included for reference.
For details on funding for cycle training the devolved nations, please visit the following:
- Wales: Cycle Training Wales
- Scotland: Cycling Scotland
- Northern Ireland: NI Direct

Did you know? 5,093,597 children have received Bikeability cycle training since 2007!

Funding and Delivery Statistics
Delivery Statistics 2007-2024
Funding, bursary allocation and delivery statistics for Local Highway Authorities (LHAs) from 2007-2024 and School Games Organiser Host Schools (SGOHSs) from 2023-2024.
SGOHS Delivery Statistics 2008-2023
Funding, bursary allocation and delivery statistics for School Games Organiser Host Schools (SGOHSs) from 2008-2023.
About Bikeability Delivery Statistics
Bikeability delivery statistics note and summary.
London Delivery Statistics 2023-2024
Transport for London distribute funding in Greater London, with The Bikeability Trust monitoring booking and delivery rates in the London boroughs.
Does Bikeability work?
Bikeability and the propensity to cycle
This study by SQW and Bryson Purdon Social Research (BSPR) aims to establish whether participation in Bikeability increases primary school pupils’ propensity to cycle.
Bikeability and perception and response to hazards
This study by NFER aims to research the impact of Bikeability training on children’s ability to perceive and appropriately respond to hazards when cycling on the road
Bikeability: an economic appraisal
This study by Steer Davies Gleave aims to complete an economic appraisal of Bikeability.
Our annual reviews and reports
2023 impact report
Bikeability Trust’s impact report 2023
2022 impact report
Bikeability Trust’s impact report 2022
2021 annual review
Bikeability’s annual review 2021
2020 annual review
Bikeability’s annual review 2020
2019 annual review
Bikeability’s annual review 2019
2018 annual review
Bikeability’s annual review 2018
What about other funding?
The Bikeability trust is a charity and any other income is invested into our Innovation Fund. Our board of trustees governs this fund.
Funds are generated by:
- Budget surplus from the DfT administration grant
- Sales of awards materials, including certificates and badges
- Sponsorship and fundraising income
- Donations

In 2021, we also received funding from the Department for Transport to set up the Widening Participation Fund. The Innovation Fund and Widening Participation Fund are an incredible opportunity to make a difference to more children. We want every child to enjoy cycling, but we know that some children need more help. Our funds exist to:
- Develop new forms of cycle training which help minority groups
- Pilot initiatives which remove barriers to participation
- Fund projects to develop the Trust
- Develop targeted marketing and communications