Andrew Milbourne – Chair of Trustees
Andy enjoyed a long teaching career which included twenty years as headteacher of a Norfolk Primary School. He has a MA (Edu) and brings an educational perspective to the work of the Bikeability Trust.
As a headteacher, Andy was passionate about providing young people with opportunities to enjoy a variety of leisure pursuits. He encouraged children to cycle to school whilst promoting cycling initiatives, including Bikeability, to ensure that learning about the enjoyment and freedom of cycling was mixed with appropriate safety education.
Andy appreciates the joy of cycling alongside the environmental and health benefits. Following a liver transplant, cycling played a vital role in Andy regaining fitness. It was equally important as he recovered from a fractured hip, sustained refereeing basketball, in 2016. He continues to enjoy regular early morning cycle rides alongside his wife, Lorna and uses his bike for most local journeys.

John Jackson – Vice Chair, Business Consultant and Regular Cyclist
John gained a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from UEA and then joined BP Exploration where he worked as a research petroleum engineer for a number of years before moving into their human resources function.
Now semi-retired, John was a business consultant who has also held a number of board-level positions, primarily in the pharmaceutical industry. He has broad experience of business operations with particular focus on human resources, business growth, organisational development, company divestments, acquisitions, and integrations.
John has been a regular cyclist all of his life – from cycling to school, riding with his family and riding for fitness, to socialise and to commute. He is Membership & Promotions Officer of his local Cycling UK group and has been active in campaigns to improve both cycle routes and rider safety. As such, he is well aware of the challenges facing everyone travelling on our roads as well as the challenges for those who manage and develop cycling infrastructure.
John has been actively involved in football coaching for many years and as a National Standard Instructor since 2013 he has been delivering Bikeability and 1-2-1 cycling courses throughout Cambridgeshire. He is passionate about improving the cycling knowledge and skills of everyone.

Imran Hussain – Youth Worker and BAME cycling advocate
Imran has over twenty years as a youth worker working with disadvantaged and hard-to-reach young people. His experience includes fundraising and leadership roles, but he still enjoys developing new skills and being a member of a strong team.
He is passionate about the opportunities that youth work makes available to young people and communities. He advocates to ensure the rights of young people are promoted and upheld, and to endorse and create equality of opportunities for young people. He has many years’ experience working with BAME communities and encouraging cycling.
Imran has a strong interest in the outdoors being a qualified Duke of Edinburgh instructor and assessor – a role that plays an instrumental part in developing young people and stimulating their creativity, growth, both physically and mentally.
He is a director of a voluntary organisation which work with challenging young people, as well as being a Bikeability instructor and a British Cycling Ride Leader. He enjoys being out on his bike, playing football and walking in the Yorkshire Dales.

Dr Catherine Purcell – Vice Chair, Reader at Cardiff University
Catherine is a Reader at Cardiff University, School of Healthcare Sciences, having obtained her PhD in Psychology from Royal Holloway, University of London in 2012. She has sat on academic boards for many years and currently sits on the Neurodiversity Clinical Advisory Group for Welsh Government and is the Vice Chair for International Society for Research and Advocacy for Developmental Coordination Disorder.
Catherine’s research focuses on link between perception and action in natural contexts, such as driving and road crossing. She has a particular interest in perceptual motor coupling in children and adults with Neurodiversity (including Developmental Coordination Disorder, Developmental Language Disorder, Dyslexia, ADHD and ASD). Catherine actively works with complementary areas to exchange ideas and methodologies, in order to creatively address barriers to active travel experienced by children and adults with Neurodiversity in Wales and beyond. As a Trustee Catherine hopes to support inclusive cycling for all.
Outside of work, Catherine enjoys walking her dog and spending time in her caravan by the beach.

Esther Durrant – Trainer consultant
Esther’s career has always centred on children and young people. She has worked in care homes with children and young people with emotional and behavioural difficulties, as a carer, therapeutic worker and as a manager. She then spent many years at Childline. She is a trained counsellor and safeguarding has always been a pivotal part of the role.
Esther now works as a trainer consultant, providing training on a variety of mental health issues, including Suicide First Aid (a community intervention approach). Esther understands the importance of empowering children and young people in all areas, including leisure activities.
Cycling has been an important part of Esther’s life for the past few years, providing her with not only a form of transport but a leisure activity, which has fundamentally helped manage the stresses of life. Esther has undertaken numerous cycling events over the years ranging from one day events, to longer multi-day events. She loves the freedom of travelling and visiting places by bike.

Paul Murray – Active Travel Lead, Ridge and Partners
Paul has 10+ years’ experience in the construction sector as a highways engineer and is specialised in delivering active travel infrastructure. Paul has provided strategic oversight to a wide range of stakeholders and clients throughout his time in the private and charity sector, as well as being seconded to two different councils. He has experience of writing bids and tenders for innovative behaviour change projects, ranging from setting up new cycle hubs in developments to working to deliver cycle training to people at risk of homelessness. He has helped to deliver significant changes to active travel infrastructure across London by helping senior council figures to negotiate challenging projects and advising them of the best course of action.
Outside of work, Paul releases music under the name Paul Lynch. As well as this he does Pilates, football and swimming weekly and is part of a folk music collective.

Shirley Moffat (also known as McIndoe)
Shirley has enjoyed a long career in public sector property, most recently she has been involved in the delivery in major infrastructure projects on the London Underground for Transport for London including the Elizabeth Line, the Northern Line Extension and proposals for the Bakerloo Line extension. During her time at TfL, she also worked on projects supporting other modes of transport.
She is proud to be part of Bikeability and its ambitions in widening participation in cycling, an activity that gives so much, in particular the joy of moving outdoors.
Shirley was once a keen commuter cyclist but was deterred by some unfortunate experiences. She is particularly interested in the experience of girls and women on the roads and working towards safer environments for individual cyclists and their communities.

Gordon Read – Bikeability Coordinator and Senior PE Advisor, Hampshire Outdoors
After leaving school, Gordon spent several years working in Sports Development before undertaking his BEd in Physical Education. He taught PE to secondary students for over 20 years, with a number of additional roles alongside. The final ten years of Gordon’s time in schools was as a Head of PE.
Gordon has always had a passion for cycling, both for fitness and transport, and in 2022 the opportunity to be part of a team delivering Bikeability drew him to his current role at Hampshire Outdoors. Gordon sees cycling as a solution to many of the issues we face as a society today, but recognises there are many challenges to overcome.
Gordon hopes to bring his passion and experience together as a Bikeability Trustee. His aim is to help empower more people to use active travel options in their daily lives.

Lee Kidger – Founder – Mobility Digital
Lee currently works within the cycling and mobility industry, specialising in business and strategy consultancy services as well as digital marketing services. This is across a wide range of companies, from brands to retailers and proprietary technology areas. Lee completed his MBA, specialising in Data Analytics, at Nottingham Trent University.
His experience has come mainly working for Raleigh UK Ltd for nine years – latterly as their Managing Director from June 2020 to September 2023. Core competencies include commercial and marketing strategy development and delivery, alongside PR and communication effort.
As a cycling advocate, Lee has pivoted his cycling from gravel, road and cyclocross racing to riding leisurely with the family. Typically using his cargo bike to take his two daughters to the beach (alongside all the other equipment) or playing taxi to nurseries. Lee wouldn’t change the pivot though. As a trustee, Lee wants to support the longer term development of the Bikeability promises and promote positive movement with cycling for all.

Nick Truran – Strategic Cycling Lead and Development Manager, Hertfordshire County Council
Nick has worked in Local Government for over 21 years focusing on the Road Safety and Cycling areas of work. In 2023 he added the walking and wheeling aspect of the Council’s behaviour change delivery to his remit as they move to become Transport for Hertfordshire.
Since starting as a cycle instructor in 2003, Nick has been around the National Standards since day one and Bikeability since its arrival in 2007 as part of the pilot schemes for the changed programme. During his time, Nick has worked as an instructor, instructor trainer, scheme manager, Direct of the Association of Bikeability Schemes (TABS) and ITP, ITO and then RCD lead for the East of England region.
Nick was inspired to join the board of trustees to enable him to bring his years of experience through local government delivery, scheme assessment and knowledge to help others develop and progress, and enhance Bikeability’s offer to all children, giving them the chance to start their cycling journey. Nick feels that the work the Trust has already completed with pave the way for future generations as the growth on activity and sustainable travel continues to bloom.
Christine Phillips – Marketing and Communications Director
Chris is a Marketing and Communications Director in the charity sector and has been working in communications roles for 20 years. After a career in broadcasting and political journalism, she moved into government communications working across Whitehall before joining the third sector and is now a senior leader in marketing, brand and strategy.
Chris is passionate about equity and social justice and has worked for a number of children and young people’s charities, including The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Barnardo’s and The Children’s Society.
She has enjoyed cycling all her life and now cycles to commute and for pleasure. Chris is a parent to two teenage children, both of whom did Bikeability in primary school, and she believes there are enormous benefits in learning to ride a bike early, a skill you can draw on all your life.
She is delighted to be part of the Bikeability board and would love to see more people of all ages with greater confidence and access to cycling, improving health and wellbeing, reducing pollution and the number of cars on the roads.
Siva Sanmugarajah
Bio coming soon