The UK Government’s upcoming Road Safety Strategy presents a critical opportunity to address longstanding challenges in making our streets safer, healthier, and more inclusive.
Vulnerable road users, such as children, and those walking, wheeling and cycling, face disproportionate risks on our roads.
The Bikeability Trust and Living Streets are preparing a report to provide a robust evidence base and actionable recommendations to shape the strategy’s development. The report will highlight the most effective measures for reducing road danger, enabling active travel, and empowering local authorities and devolved regions to deliver change.
Submissions from the public and experts are being sought to gather insights into road safety issues. A comprehensive range of perspectives is wanted, including personal experiences from individuals, input from organisations, and contributions from those with technical expertise.
Topics of interest include:
- Home to school travel
- Adherence to the Highway Code
- Pavement parking
- Women’s safety
- Vulnerable road user safety
- Speeding and driver behaviour
Your submission should:
- Include an introduction to you or your organisation and your reason for submitting evidence
- Not exceed 3000 words (though you are free to include appendices)
If you’d like your evidence to be anonymous (we’ll publish your evidence, but not your name or any personal details about you) or confidential (we’ll read your evidence, but we won’t publish it), please make this clear in your submission email. Please note that not all evidence will be published.
What will happen to your evidence?
- We’ll read your evidence and we’ll use it to help The Bikeability Trust and Living Streets’s submission. For example, The Bikeability Trust and Living Streets might use your name and your evidence in a report.
- Your name (or your organisation’s name) will be published with your evidence. You can ask for your evidence to be anonymous.
- The Bikeability Trust and Living Streets doesn’t have to accept your evidence or publish what you send us.
Submitting your evidence
Please submit your evidence as a single Word, ODT or RTF document (not a PDF), ensuring that it does not exceed 25MB and that it does not contain logos.
The deadline for submissions is Tuesday 18 March.
Please send your evidence to:
We at The Bikeability Trust and Living Streets want everyone’s voice to be heard. Please contact us if for any reason you find it difficult to send us your evidence as requested.