Celebrating 100 years of Bike Week

Celebrate 100 years of Bike Week in 2023 from 5 – 11 June! Find out how you can get involved and get cycling.

June 6, 2023


100 years of Bike Week 

It started as National Bicycle Week in 1923, organised by the Cyclists Touring Club or CTC, which became Cycling UK in 2016. The first ever week was celebrated with an 888 mile relay ride, and CTC representatives cycling to Buckingham Palace to give birthday greetings to their Patron, HM King George V. 

You can see some footage of the first ever National Bike Week here, which includes people riding on penny farthings, old wooden cycles known as ‘boneshakers’ and front-pedalled cycles.  

Bike Week 2023 

This year, from 5 – 11 June, Bike Week marks a century of celebrating everyday cycling for everyone. The main focus for 2023 Bike week is on workplace cycling, and Cycling UK want to encourage as many workplaces to support their staff to cycle during the week. 

Organise a workplace ride 

If you are interested in setting up a cycle ride with your colleagues, Cycling UK is offering free insurance  for workplace rides taking place during the week. They will also provide free promotional materials and support and advice on setting up your ride. Find out more here. 

Take on a challenge 

If a workplace ride isn’t for you, you can still take part. The celebrate the centennial of the event, Cycling UK have come up with three ‘100’ challenges you can take on. 

The challenges include burning 100 calories, saving £100 and riding 100 miles, all by cycling! To help you meet the challenges, you can find great resources on their website 

Will you be celebrating the 100th Bike Week? Join in on social media with the hashtag #BikeWeek100.  

And if you and your family want some help getting cycling, find out what training courses are available near you here. 

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