You need to report all serious incidents to the Trust and your grant recipient within 72 hours. These are also reported at annual registration renewal.
For a definition of a serious incident, please see guidance from here.
We also have two webinars on dealing with complaints and serious incidents. You can access the presentation slides and webinar recordings using the links below.
Complaints webinar
Serious incidents webinar

Dealing with serious incidents
Step One
Instructor/school/other informs training provider of the incident
Step Two
Instructor completes training providers Serious Incident (SI) report form and training provider follows due process, including gaining report forms from other involved parties if deemed necessary
Step Three
Training provider conducts own investigation as needed and also informs grant recipient and Bikeability Trust within 72 hours of incident (sending through SI report form and any other relevant related documents)
Step Four
Grant recipient follows internal processes for serious incident reporting and ensures training provider has done the same
A model SI report form can be found here.

Your training provider should inform you of complaints received so you can use this as part of the monitoring process.
At the Trust if we receive a direct complaint about a training provider we will refer the complainee to you as the grant recipient directly so that you can investigate alongside your training provider, this is Stage 1. You will need to report on the total number of complaints you have received and the common themes during annual registration renewal.
If the complainee is not satisfied with the response at Stage 1 then they can choose to escalate this to Stage 2 where the Trust will formally investigate. You will be notified if your training provider is being investigated as a Stage 2 complaint.
For more information please see our complaints policy here.