What is Link?
Link is a system to store information on Bikeability professionals. It stores your contact information, qualifications and your instructor number.
As well as the information on this page, we have put together a guide to using Link for instructors you can access here.
Getting started: log in
The Bikeability Trust registers all qualified Bikeability instructors on Link. If you are not listed, email contactus@bikeability.org.uk with your name and instructor number.
The Bikeability Trust will create a new account for you and you will receive a welcome email. The welcome email will include a link to the Link system to create a password and sign into the system.
You can log into Link using your email address and password.
Forgotten passwords can be reset through the sign in page.
If you are also a grant recipient or training provider, your Link profile will have access to more than one account. You can find out more about using Link as a grant recipient here and as a training provider here.
Why do I need to use Link?
Link stores your instructor number and qualification. It ensures that only qualified instructors can deliver Bikeability cycle training.
Training providers can use Link to confirm your name and registration number. Training providers will associate you to their account, if you work for them. If you are incorrectly associated with a training provider, please contact them.
Keep your contact information up to date
It is important to keep your information on Link up to date. We will contact you using your email address and telephone number recorded on Link.
We will send automated emails about your Link profile to your email address. We will also send our monthly newsletter and other communications to this.
Help! I can’t access Link!
If you have forgotten your password, use the login page to reset your password. If you still cannot log in, email contactus@bikeability.org.uk.
Link works best on Microsoft Edge or Chrome. If you cannot access Link, try a different browser. Please do not use Internet Explorer.
If you still cannot access Link, email contactus@bikeability.org.uk with:
- a screenshot of the problem
- which browser you use
- date and time of issue
A member of the team will be able to help you.