You must have a health and safety policy in place. You must also have a health and safety lead – a person responsible for health and safety.  It may be short, as it connects to other documentation you must have as a training provider:

  • emergency procedures
  • incident report form
  • risk assessment
  • site specific risk assessment

Your policy must cover the following areas:

  • risk mitigation
  • risk benefit assessments
  • emergency procedures
  • relevant training of instructors
  • insurance
  • reporting of instructors
A young girl rides a balance bike

You must name a health and safety lead in your policy. This individual will receive, record and act on incident report forms.

All instructors must be aware of your policy. They must also know how to accurately conduct risk benefit assessments. All instructors must hold an emergency first aid at work qualification to teach Bikeability and renew this every 3 years.

New instructors must have completed their first aid training within 3 months of gaining provisional instructor status. Government guidance on first aid in schools suggests that 1 first aider is needed to cover first aid requirements, but the provision of first aiders should also be enough to ensure that first aid can be administered without delay. You need to risk assess the availability of first aid trained instructors on a course to ensure adequate provision.

You must inform your grant recipient of any incidents. You must inform the Bikeability Trust of any serious incidents within 72 hours. We will record the incident, but you must act on and resolve it. 

If we have concern about an incident, we will work with you to resolve the situation. Serious neglect which put riders or instructors at risk will lead to de-registration. 

Your health and safety policy should be available to the public at any time. For more guidance on your Health and Safety legal responsibilities see the Health and Safety Executive website here.

Helmet Bikeability Trust

Emergency procedures

Emergency procedures are a set of documents for instructors to use during training. They should be short, succinct and easy to follow. 

Incident report form

Instructors use the incident report form to record an incident. It will prompt them to record all relevant information.

Serious incidents

You need to report all serious incidents to the Trust and the grant recipient within 72 hours. These are also reported at annual registration renewal. For a definition of a serious incident, please see guidance from here.

Risk benefit assessment

This assessment will set out the measure taken to reduce the risk of cycle training. This also includes a sample site specific risk benefit assessment.

You can adapt and use the following documents: 

Model health and safety policy

Our model policy only covers cycle training risks. You may wish to add other risks to your own policy.

Model emergency procedures

Risk benefit assessment

Model incident report form

Serious incident report form template

Find more information about serious incident reporting here.

Find more information about risk benefit assessment here.

Find more information and guidance on your Health and Safety legal responsibilities on the Health and Safety Executive website here.