Safeguarding requirements
You must have a safeguarding policy in place to protect your riders and staff. All staff must be trained in safeguarding and have the correct checks in place.
You must name a safeguarding lead in your policy. This individual will receive, record and pass on welfare concerns or disclosures of abuse. The safeguarding lead or other staff can complete DBS checks. Very small training providers may need to name an external safeguarding lead.
Your instructors must know the correct details of a school’s safeguarding officer. Instructors should not have to talk to a teacher or reception to log a concern.
If allegations are made against instructors it is standard procedure for the Trust to temporarily deregister instructors while an investigation is undertaken.
Your safeguarding policy should be available to the public at any time.
Serious incidents
You need to report all serious incidents to the Trust and the grant recipient within 72 hours. These are also reported at annual registration renewal. For a definition of a serious incident, please see guidance from here.
Safeguarding allegations or disclosures are categorised as serious incidents. Further guidance on serious incidents can be found here.

You can adapt and use the following documents