As a registered training provider, you can create your own booking forms.
Every school and every training provider is different. This is why we give you the flexibility to create your own booking form.
To support you, we have created a checklist of elements to include in your booking form.

Does your school booking form terms and conditions include:
- Date of training
- Number of pupils offered training
- Commitment to distribute and collate parental consent forms
- Commitment to share information about pupils with special educational needs or disabilities. This ensures your instructors can provide an inclusive session.
- Deadline to confirm numbers and consent forms
- Cancellation policy
- Name of school safeguarding lead
- Signature to terms and conditions

Does your school information form include:
- Statement on rider progression
- Link to Bikeability website, including Tools for Schools
- Helmet policy
- Roadworthy cycle information
- Confirmation that instructors are registered, qualified and DBS checked
- Confirmation that instructors have received safeguarding and risk benefit assessment training.
- Link to training provider contact details
- Details of how to make a complaint