Most Bikeability cycle training takes place in schools. We work with the Active Travel England (ATE) and the Department for Education to spread the word about Bikeability. Our website includes information for schools and instructions on how to access Bikeability.
Schools may contact you to find out how to receive grant funded Bikeability. It is important to respond promptly and professionally to any enquiries.

We have created the following resources to help you promote Bikeability:
- What is Bikeability? Presentation for pupils
- What is Bikeability? Presentation for families
- What can Bikeability do for your primary school?
- What can Bikeability do for your secondary school?

Our top tips when talking to schools
- Get straight to the point. We all know how busy teachers are, so keep things brief and straightforward. If possible, use one form to gather all information and reduce admin time. Preparation is key to ensure that you have everything you need before a course starts.
- Bikeability is about more than cycling. Bikeability isn’t part of the curriculum (yet!) so it’s important to sell the other benefits of cycling. An active lifestyle improves both physical and mental health. Children are more alert, they are healthier, and they feel happier and more confident.
- Bikeability helps schools stand out. The government rewards schools who embed Bikeability into their offer. Bikeability counts towards Modeshift STARS accreditation and the National STARS School Travel Awards. Ofsted value Bikeability and are keen to see schools show their extended curriculum.